domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

Coffee, Coke and the 12 step program

Updates on the battle with addiction:
-Wikipedia tells me that Step 1 is admitting that you are powerless over Coke.  I am not yet powerless, so it's still all good.  I passed up buying a coke today, and instead bought an apple soda.  Made by the coca-cola company.

Yesterday I asked Emma, our surrogate Mom, if there was a coffee maker in the house.  She replied, "There's 3 things that I don't like in life and in the house.  Coffee, coke, and chocolate."
It's a shame, because now I have 3 reasons to run away from home.

If I were to run away, I would go directly to this cafe in San Miguel de Allende.  Not for the coffee (left), but for the free water, pictured here on the right.  This is likely the only restaurant in the state of Guanajuato that gives out complimentary water.

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